Serving Greenwood, Fishers, Carmel, Indianapolis & Surrounding Areas

April 10, 2024

How Much Does a New HVAC System Cost in Greenwood, IN?

When your family feels toasty warm in the winter and cool in the summer, you can thank the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system. HVAC does more than control temperature; it also helps keep the air inside your home clean and fresh. 

When the HVAC doesn’t work as well as it should, or it seems like it constantly needs repair, it’s time to start thinking about a replacement. The first question most homeowners ask when they get this news is, “How much does a new HVAC system cost?” 

Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing, the best HVAC company in Greenwood, Indiana, helps local homeowners get the most affordable and efficient HVAC units possible. While replacing the equipment requires a substantial investment, the payoff means more reliable and efficient heating and cooling, lower maintenance costs, and, in some cases, a higher property value. 

What Can I Expect To Pay for a New HVAC System?

As with most home improvement projects, there’s no single definitive answer to the question, “How much does a new HVAC system cost?” A long list of factors influence the final price tag to replace HVAC systems, but most experts recommend that homeowners spend at least several thousand dollars on the project. 

Factors that determine the cost of a new HVAC system include the following.

Equipment Brand

High-quality name-brand equipment usually has the highest price tag, but you get a longer-lasting, more reliable system. In some cases, you may need to purchase equipment from specific brands to ensure compatibility with any existing components. 

Type of System 

The type of system you select plays a big role in determining the cost of the project. Installing a ductless mini-split will cost less than an air handler or central air system since it’s small and doesn’t require as much labor. 

Energy Efficiency

Choosing the most energy-efficient HVAC equipment will likely cost more upfront, but you’ll recoup most of those costs with lower energy bills. Shop for an air conditioner with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) or a furnace with a high Heating Seasonal Performance Ratio (HSPF) to keep power costs down. 


As you might expect, larger homes need larger HVAC equipment, which will cost more. Matching the HVAC equipment to your home’s size is critical to optimal performance and energy efficiency. 

Another factor in determining the correct size of an air conditioner involves your home’s layout and the amount of insulation it has. A home without proper insulation in the basement, attic, walls, and floors will need an AC with increased capacity to ensure adequate cooling.

Labor Costs 

In addition to buying the equipment, you’ll have to pay for the HVAC contractors to perform the work, and the cost depends on the complexity of the job and how long it takes. Average costs for labor account for about 25% of the final installation, which typically takes about six to ten hours to complete. If the new system requires new ductwork or additional labor, expect to pay more. 


Adding additional features to the HVAC system, like humidifiers or air filtration systems, will drive up the cost of a new system. 

Additional Expenses 

Replacing an HVAC system may require additional fees or expenses. For example, the contractor may need to secure permits, schedule inspections, or call on other contractors to perform extra work to ensure the finished system is up to code. If you choose additional upgrades, like adding additional insulation, a smart thermostat, or changing the ductwork to create zones, the cost will increase. 

Taking all these factors into account, the best way to learn “How much does a new HVAC system cost?” is to connect with a trusted HVAC contractor for an estimate. 

What You Gain by Replacing Your HVAC System 

Learning how much it costs to replace HVAC systems might give you some sticker shock. Still, considering the advantages of a brand-new system for your home and family, it’s easy to see why it makes a good investment. 

For many homeowners, enjoying consistent heating and cooling without fearing that the system will break down at the worst possible time is the main advantage of investing in a new system. If your current equipment needs frequent repairs or struggles to keep up with demand, upgrading to a newer system will make a significant difference. 

Other reasons to invest in new heating and cooling equipment include:

  • Fewer repair expenses 
  • Higher efficiency and lower utility bills 
  • Fewer hassles due to malfunctioning equipment 
  • Improved indoor air quality 
  • Less noise from an older system 
  • Increased property value
  • Reduced environmental impact 
  • A longer system lifespan 

Newer HVAC systems are also more compatible with smart controls than older ones. You can have more control over the system with smart thermostats or by connecting it to a home automation system, increasing comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency. 

In many cases, it makes sense to replace both the heating and cooling equipment at the same time, especially if they are the same age. This ensures maximum efficiency and longevity and eliminates the hassles of separate installations. 

Get a Quote for a New HVAC System From Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing in Greenwood, IN

Living with an unreliable HVAC system is inconvenient, expensive, and even dangerous—imagine losing heat on the coldest night of the year. Updating the HVAC equipment can eliminate the likelihood of an equipment failure and provide more peace of mind. You might even qualify for special financing or incentives and rebates for making your home more energy efficient, which can make a new system affordable. 

It’s reasonable to ask, “How much does a new HVAC system cost?” when faced with the need to replace the existing one but consider the advantages before putting off the project. For most homeowners, the benefits far outweigh the costs.  

To schedule a free consultation and get a quote for a new HVAC system plus tips to improve indoor air quality in your Greenwood, IN, home, call Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing at (317) 768-0063.