Serving Greenwood, Fishers, Carmel, Indianapolis & Surrounding Areas

April 25, 2024

Is Yearly AC Maintenance in Greenwood, IN, Worth It?

Scheduling tune-ups might seem like an unnecessary expense, but dig a little deeper, and you’ll discover advantages that could significantly impact your comfort and financial health. 

As a highly rated HVAC contractor in Greenwood, Indiana, we at Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing always advocate for proper AC upkeep. Let us show why the answer to “Is yearly AC maintenance worth it?” is a resounding yes.

Yearly AC Maintenance Benefits

Many underestimate the value of annual AC servicing and often only call in professionals when problems arise. When you proactively care for your system, you’ll enjoy:

Boosted Efficiency

No one likes the frustration of rising utility bills, especially during those peak summer months in Greenwood. This is where servicing enters the picture. 

Just like your car consumes less fuel after a tune-up, a well-maintained AC unit operates more efficiently. With each part of your air conditioning system working at optimal levels, you reduce energy consumption and, by extension, your monthly costs.

Preserved Warranty

Almost all AC manufacturers require that you seek scheduled tune-ups to keep the warranty valid. Skipping them could mean that when something goes wrong, you’re out of luck and, potentially, a significant amount of money. Secure your peace of mind and save future headaches by adhering to your unit’s care instructions.

System Longevity

How much did you spend on your AC system? Do you want it to last as long as possible? 

Routine maintenance helps your AC run smoother for longer. Diligent upkeep prevents the significant expense and inconvenience of a premature replacement. Most modern systems perform well for up to 15 years with proper care.

Fewer Breakdowns

No one wants to deal with the hassle of sudden cooling failures, especially in the dog days of summer. Among the advantages of yearly AC maintenance is identifying potential hiccups before they escalate into major issues. 

If you’ve ever experienced an unresponsive system, you surely remember the discomfort and inconvenience it caused. Why wait for this headache when you can nip problems in the bud with a simple tune-up? 

Improved Comfort

Is yearly AC maintenance worth it? It isn’t just a treat for your system; it’s your ticket to unwavering comfort during those scorching afternoons. 

Imagine your Greenwood property as a cool oasis, even when the heat outside feels unbearable. An air conditioner in top shape works effectively to bring consistent cooling with no random hot spots.

Higher Indoor Air Quality

Do you have allergy sufferers in your household? Your AC system’s filters and air ducts play a crucial role in preserving indoor air quality. 

During a tune-up, these components receive cleaning or replacements as needed, drastically reducing the amount of dust, pollen, and other irritants circulating through your space. Breathe easier and enjoy a healthier living environment for everyone in your Greenwood home or business.

Breaking Down an AC Maintenance Checklist in Greenwood

Some people mistakenly assume that tune-ups involve no more than replacing old filters, but there’s much more to it than that. A comprehensive servicing performed by trained experts involves:

  • Refreshing the condensate drain: Just as a clogged sink can cause water to back up, a blocked condensate drain leads to water damage and increased indoor humidity. Specialists clear out this pathway so the moisture your AC collects won’t accumulate and cause serious issues.
  • Tightening connections: Electrical components can loosen over time from the natural vibration of the AC unit. Fine-tuning them prevents potential safety hazards and restores lost efficiency.
  • Lubricating parts: Friction in fan belts, motors, and bearings not only generates unnecessary noise but also wears the components out quickly. A little lubrication keeps everything running smoothly and minimizes wear and tear.
  • Checking the refrigerant: Is yearly AC maintenance worth it? The cooling process relies heavily on the right amount of refrigerant. Technicians inspect these levels and look for leaks to guarantee your AC operates at its best.
  • Refreshing the blower: Did you know that blower issues can decrease equipment efficiency by up to 15%? A clean and well-calibrated component maximizes airflow and eliminates potential strain on the whole AC unit. 
  • Calibrate the thermostat: The thermostat serves as the brains of the operation and keeps your indoor spaces at the desired temperature. That’s why we should verify that it accurately reads and responds to your property’s conditions.
  • Assessing safety: Electrical faults and overheating can lead to disastrous outcomes without proper safeguards. While increasingly rare, thanks to modern technology, it’s crucial to check the system’s safety features and limit switches to mitigate potential risks. 

How Often Should You Seek Greenwood AC Maintenance?

If you want to experience the full benefits of regular AC upkeep, you need to schedule it at least once a year. Don’t treat this as a hard and fast rule but rather as a minimum standard in Greenwood. 

If you use indoor cooling practically 24/7 or keep it at maximum settings to combat extreme outdoor temperatures, consider servicing your AC more frequently. Staying ahead of potential issues ensures your comfort and protects your investment in the long run. 

When Should You Schedule Tune-Ups in Greenwood?

Most reputable HVAC companies in Greenwood will have good maintenance deals when spring rolls around, right before the peak cooling season kicks in. To get the most out of your cooling system, take advantage of long-term plans offering cost savings and priority service. 

Service plans have the added benefit of keeping you on a regular appointment schedule; the company will handle everything for you and even reach out with convenient reminders so you never miss a beat.

Your Go-To AC Maintenance Crew in Greenwood, Indiana

Is yearly AC maintenance worth it? From consistent cooling comfort to fewer operational hiccups, it always pays off in spades. Just ask any of our loyal customers, and they’ll tell you the same.

Partner with Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing, and discover the importance of yearly AC check-ups! Dial 317-922-0455 or read more of our blog for tips to improve indoor air quality