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September 10, 2023

Why Is My House Humid With The AC On?

A malfunctioning air conditioner can ruin your day, whether you work from home or spend a long day at the office. The last thing you want to face is excess humidity inside the house. So, if you find yourself wondering, “Why is my house humid with the AC on?” something isn’t right.

This post covers some possible causes of high humidity in your home and how to prevent it from making your home uncomfortable. Read on learn more or contact Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing for fast and reliable air conditioner repair in Avon, IN.

Check Your AC System Settings Before Assuming the Worst

There are quite a few reasons why you may notice excess humidity inside your home. However, before assuming that your AC unit has packed up, it’s best to do a simple check of your system’s settings. 

For example, if your unit runs but doesn’t blow cold air, check that you’ve set it to cool and not the “eco” setting (this would make the fan run without cooling the air).

Common Problems That Raise Humidity Levels Inside Your Home

Is your air conditioner set to cool? Move on to other possible humidity problems, such as:

Dirty Condenser Coils

It’s normal for dirt and dust to build up inside your air conditioning system. The condenser coils work by absorbing heat and transferring it outside, providing you with cool air. However, the longer your unit runs with excess debris on the condenser coils, the less efficient it will be at removing the moisture from the air while cooling your home.

A professional HVAC technician will have to carefully clean debris buildup off these delicate coils with specialized equipment so as not to cause damage.

Aging Air Conditioner

Sometimes, air conditioner problems happen because your air conditioner is nearing the end of its lifespan. Old air conditioners sustain damage more frequently and often cost a lot for repairs. 

A professional inspection could help determine the age of your air conditioner and whether it’s worth continuing to spend money on it. If not, you’ll need to invest in a newer unit.

Excess Humidity Outside

Why is my house humid with the AC on? One reason might be the humidity levels outside.

Your air conditioner does a great job of removing moisture from the air. However, if the outdoor humidity climbs to unusually high levels, it can’t keep up. Hot, humid air can also affect your indoor air quality, even if your air conditioner works as it should.

When the weather changes or the heatwave subsides, you should notice more comfortable conditions inside, too.

Your Air Conditioner Can’t Keep Up With Demand

You’ve probably noticed that your air conditioner works well when only one or two people are home but needs to work harder when you have friends over. That’s because more people inside drives up the temperature and humidity levels in the room.

Do you frequently have a lot of people at home? Is your air conditioner struggling to keep your space comfortable? Talk to a professional HVAC technician about the size of your air conditioner in relation to your needs. 

There are different types of air conditioners and different sizes available. You’re wasting money running an air conditioner that can’t meet your needs or overshoots them.

Overburdened Air Filter

One of the simplest ways to help your air conditioner run efficiently is regularly changing the air filter. As your air conditioner pulls dust, mold spores, and other small particles from the air, they collect on the filter’s surface. However, as the filter forms an ever-thicker layer of dust and debris, the blocked air flow stops your air conditioner from working efficiently.

Changing the filter as directed in the instruction manual should prevent all sorts of damage and help your air conditioner last as long as possible. However, if you neglect this task, it won’t be long before you have to install a new unit.

Frozen Condenser Coils

As temperatures rise in summer, you use your air conditioner more often. Then, as humidity builds up on the condenser coils, it can turn into ice, which limits the condenser coils’ function. 

Still, frozen condenser coils usually happen because of another problem within your air conditioner, like a dirty air filter or too little coolant flowing through the coils. To be sure, turn off your air conditioner for a while. While it thaws, look for the problem and call a professional repair service.

Consider Regular Air Conditioner Maintenance To Keep Your Home Comfortable

Why is my house humid with the AC on? Another common issue you can solve is a lack of professional maintenance. Your air conditioner plays a big part in keeping you and your family comfortable, and regular maintenance catches damage before it grows into bigger problems.

For example, Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing’s air conditioner maintenance visit would include the following:

  • Change air filter
  • Inspect the parts for signs of damage
  • Replace damaged parts
  • Clean excess debris from the unit
  • Recalibrate the thermostat
  • Check the condenser coils for small leaks and add more coolant as needed

What’s the best way to extend the life of your air conditioner? Schedule regular maintenance to replace damaged parts and help your air conditioner run for as long as possible. Well-maintained units last years longer and save you money on energy bills as they work efficiently year after year.

Professional Maintenance to Extend the Life of Your Air Conditioner and Ensure Complete Comfort

Does the air conditioner run, but the indoor air feels warm and sticky? Why is my house humid with the AC on when my settings are right, and there are no obvious problems? It might be time to call for professional maintenance from Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing’s HVAC repair experts.

Whether you need help with AC unit placement or scheduled maintenance in Avon, Indiana, our qualified team offers great-value repairs and maintenance plans. Fill out our online contact form or call Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing at 317-648-5133 today to extend the life of your air conditioner!